
Rayne – Canadian Sport Horse/Thoroughbred

Honeylocust Homestead Horses

Here at Honeylocust Homestead we have 2 riding horses and a shetland pony.

Skeeter is our “old man” on the farm, an Appaloosa with no spots, he is definitely the most challenging of all our animals. Skeeter has recently developed arthritis in his front knees, although with a regular dose of previcox he is able to be himself again and not suffer any pain. He also has a condition that touches me personally (as I am an epileptic) Skeeter suffers from narcolepsy and is prone to falling asleep suddenly.

Rayne is our 14 year old, retired barrel racer. She has way more “go” than “whoa”. We have been working with her to calm her anxiety which is very common in retired race horses of any discipline. She is a real sweetheart with great conformation. She is a beauty and we have been considering breeding her in 2023.

Our pony is actually a friends that we care for. She is a registered Shetland named Barbie with a personality larger than life. She has no problem believing she can run with the big horses. Prone to “pony-tude” we believe she thinks she rules the roost here at the Homestead.

Skeeter Appaloosa with no spots.
Skeeter with a curious Bridget

“A Horse is Poetry in Motion”
